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Care Resources

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The Poore Medical Clinic

The Poore Medical Clinic (PMC) is a volunteer-run, nonprofit clinic for low income, uninsured people in northern Arizona. These dental services are provided at the Sid Davis, DDS Memorial Dental Clinic for PMC patients who meet eligibility requirements and have been screened and referred to the Dental Clinic by a PMC healthcare provider. Ask about the Adopt-a-Smile Program, a partnership between A New Dawn AZ and the PMC that helps cover the cost of partials and dentures.


Coconino County Voucher Program

Coconino county offers preventive and emergency care vouchers to assist adults in obtaining dental care. Learn about the preventive voucher program in English or in Spanish. Or, learn more about emergency care voucher program for dental emergencies in English and Spanish.

Dental Equipment

NAU Dental Hygiene Clinic

Northern Arizona University's Department of Dental Hygiene offers dental cleanings for adults and children, dental sealants, and other services at their dental hygiene clinic.

Dentist Chair

North Country HealthCare's Dental Clinic

North Country HealthCare (NCHC) provides preventive and restorative care at their dental facilities in Flagstaff, Ashfork, and Winslow. Their Flagstaff branch has health care advocates who specialize in enrolling patients on AHCCCS and SNAP, and cash assistance. NCHC accepts most insurance plans and offers a sliding-fee scale, based on your family size and income.


Flagstaff Resources

Look through the Flagstaff resource list to find social services available to meet a variety of needs, or see the list of dental services available to Northern Arizona residents.

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Pregnant Women & Infants

Project Zero—Women & Infants is a Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement (PIOHQI) project funded by the US Department of Health, Health Resources Services Administration Grant #H47MC2918. Find care for expecting mothers and children under one year of age with the Project Zero database.


Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)

Arizona Medicaid, or AHCCCS, is a government-funded federal healthcare program. AHCCCS offers resources and programs to help qualified Arizona residents.​​Click to read more about what AHCCCS covers, and how to find out if you are eligible, or click the video on the left to learn more about eligibility. For assistance in applying for AHCCCS, please call North Country HealthCare's family health advocates at 928.522.9467 or 928.522.9784.


Community Center of Yavapai

The Community Health Center of Yavapai (CHCY) is dedicated to providing comprehensive Primary Medical Care, Dental Services and Care Coordination, for the care and well-being of Yavapai County residents. CHCY focuses on providing accessible, affordable, comprehensive, quality, primary health and dental care.



Mountain Line

Mountain Line operates eight routes that traverse Flagstaff and offer service to jobs, schools, health care, shopping, and entertainment areas. Route schedules provide easy transfers at the Downtown and Flagstaff Mall Connection centers, as well as in-route transfers throughout the entire system. The Mountain Line system is designed to get riders where they want to go, as easily and quickly as possible.

Do you have Insurance?

No, I don't have insurance.

You can access dental care even without insurance. The Poore Medical Clinic offers free dental services for uninsured Coconino county residents. Additionally, North Country HealthCare (NCHC) offers sliding scale fees based on your income and has dental facilities in Flagstaff, Ashfork, and Winslow. NCHC also has health care advocates who specialize in enrolling patients in Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) and SNAP. Click to watch a video about AHCCCS eligibility requirements. If you live in Coconino county, you may qualify for the dental care voucher program to pay for preventive or emergency dental care.​​​

​Need help with a specific medical or dental concern? Visit the Flagstaff database to find resources that meet your needs.

Yes, I have insurance.

Watch the video below to learn how to use and understand your insurance to see what dental care is available to you.

Didn't find what you need?

Still need help finding a dentist?

Visit the Arizona Dental Association to find one near you.

Other AZ Resources
A.T. Still University's Dental Clinic at the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health in Mesa, AZ offers quality care at a reduced cost.
Midwestern University Dental Institute is a low-cost dental care facility located in Glendale, AZ.

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